Qualificatore Softing NetExpert XG2-PLUS (10Gb/s)

Per cablaggi in rame e fibra ottica. Certificatore di reti Ethernet in rame e fibra ottica fino a 10 Gb/s (Moduli SFP non inclusi nella fornitura). Misura SNR, BERT e Skew Delay. Gestisce PoE. Integra misuratore di lunghezza TDR mappa cablaggio.

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Ethernet Speed Certifier for Copper and Fiber
Network-/Cabling-Qualifier for copper and fiber testing
Tests all cable connections, wire map showing shorts, cuts
Network Tests with PoE , Linkconnectivity, LLDP, Ping and DHCP
Qualification of IEEE-Conectivity up to 10 Gbit/s using BERT, SNR and Delay Skew
Contains: 2x XG main unit for copper and fiber (order SFP modules separately!), 1x XG remote for copper, 3 power supplies, manual, hard carrying case, 2 RJ45 Cat 6A patch cables, 2 OM4 LC Duplex Multimode patch cables, 2 OS2 LC Duplex Singlemode patch cables, USB adapter, copper and fiber couplers

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